This Ram is angry!

Monday, October 31, 2011
Do Promotional Products "Work?"
Linda, the marketing director for Quality Care Nursing Home, sits by her desk, wondering what to do for her next marketing campaign. She deliberates between handing out brochures depicting the virtues of the nursing home or giving out imprinted items with the facility's logo on it at the upcoming Senior Fair. "Let's think," she muses, "how many people are going to remember us through the brochure? They may just file it away, and 'out of sight is out of mind.' Promotional products, on the other hand, will stick around for years, so no matter how many personnel they go through, our name will be around for a while. I vote (against my other self) to go with promotional products for the fair."marketing
internet marketing
affiliate marketing
Can Facebook Traffic Benefit Your Business?
Facebook for small business is a must in this day and age. With the growing number of people using Facebook in today's society, can small businesses afford to ignore the market that Facebook provides free of charge? I would think not. Facebook is rapidly reaching 700 million users from all over the world. The wealth of information being shared between businesses and friends is growing and proves how likely it is that your business can gain a new source of traffic by creating your own small business fan page.affiliate marketing
unique visitors
How To Get Ranked On Google - What You Need To Know
Many people are always trying to figure out how to get ranked on Google #1. It can be a challenge now to get on Google if you don't know or understand Google.unique visitors
What Makes One Business More Successful Than Another?
This week, I saw three business owners. Two just wanted to see me because they needed new ideas on what to do next. One hired me on the spot. What are the differences between these three businesses?internet marketing
affiliate marketing
Stay on Top With Business Trends With an Acclaimed Mailing List
What Is An Entrepreneur In 2011?
Is the question: What is an entrepreneur the right one? Or should you be asking yourself, am I the right person to be an entrepreneur. Outside of academic's the question is not all that important. But if you are thinking of getting into business for yourself, you need to assess your suitability for self employment and determine the best approach to developing your success.traffic
unique visitors
PPC Search Engine Marketing: SEO Matches Up Against PPC
PPC search engine marketing takes the best of the paid and non-paid search to compare each other together. PPC (Pay-Per Click) and SEO (Search Engine Optimization) are both great ways to drive quality traffic to your site, but have very different uses. In this article we will compare the different uses of PPC search engine marketing.seo
Tips For Building A Fast Growing Company In A Tough Economy
Succeeding in today's business environment requires one to look at their business processes and seek ways to streamline operations, lower costs, increase efficiency and eliminate waste. One way to is through adopting Six Sigma style methods. Six Sigma was developed by Motorola in the 1980's as a strategy to improve the quality of process outputs and eliminate errors by removing
internet marketing
affiliate marketing
SEO Basics You Need To Know
Every online business needs to have a web site. Every web site therefore needs to prioritize Search Engine Optimization. Essentially, search engine optimization allows your site to rank high in Bing's and Google's search results. SEO ultimately is a way to increase the appearance of your site in the search results conducted by web users. This eventually produces more traffic towards your site. Learning the SEO Basics is very important to a website
social media Entrepreneurialism
PeopleString Review 2011 - What Is PeopleString?
What is PeopleString? PeopleString is a social networking site founded in February 2009 marketing what was then a revolutionary and fun way of earning money by doing what you already do - email, socializing on Facebook, & playing games. While sign up is still 100% free; PeopleString has been unable to generate the anticipated enthusiasm among the internet
internet marketing
affiliate marketing
Effective Tips to Generate Local Attention for Small Business
With countless companies starting and shutting down it can be difficult to learn useful tips that can effectively generate attention for small business. Starting a company can be hard enough as it is so you will want to gain as much exposure as possible to avoid wasting your money and efforts. Whether you have been a business owner for many years or are just beginning your venture now, knowing as much as possible will help you increase exposure for small business.networking
direct marketing
How to Land a Sponsor: Deadlines and Commitments
Even though you may want to tip-toe around your sponsor, it is really important that they know you have a deadline. Be direct with them about your deadline and what you need from them. Don't let people walk all over you.traffic
unique visitors
The Triumph of Outsourced Telemarketing in Obtaining Insurance Leads and Appointments
Every one can testify that generating high-quality insurance leads is an uphill climb. But you can triumph in the pursuit by paying less but getting exponential return through outsourced telemarketing. Read on to learn more.affiliate marketing
unique visitors
Facebook and Online Marketing
Do you want to speak with 400 Million people? Then better pitch your product now with Facebook's members. If you're fresh with all the social media selling then this is your lucky day. These sites create more traffic than the biggest search engines that we have. That means a bigger audience for your product, more possible buyers and more money.networking
direct marketing
Effective Marketing Tips for Your Dental Office
How to Land a Sponsor: Deadlines and Commitments
Christmas Light Hanging Business
Starting a Christmas light hanging business is arguably one of the best decisions that I've ever made. I use to have a seasonal job working at a golf course and during the winter money was always tight. We never had enough money for Christmas and this saddened me because Christmas is my favourite time of year. It bugged me that I could never give my family the kind of Christmas that I really wanted marketing
internet marketing
Objectives of Advertising
Fundamentally, the only purpose of advertising is to sell something- a product, a service, or an idea. Stated another way, the real goal of advertising is effective communication. That is, the ultimate effect of advertising should be to modify the attitude and/or behavior of receiver of the message.CPA
The Power of a Custom Facebook Fan Page
Social networking sites like Facebook have become a powerful tool for an online business. A business owner can take their website to a new level of marketing power just by using a social network site.Entrepreneurialism
direct marketing
Does Your Business Work?
A working economic system means the flow of your business works. Essentially the business is growing from transactions. The obvious working system is; cost of product $1 and sale price of product $2. The system begins to get muddled up and complicated once you consider multiple revenue & expense streams, business threats & economies of
internet marketing
affiliate marketing
Create A Facebook Fan Page To Promote Your Business
If you want to take your business to a global level then Facebook offers a really great opportunity to do this. It has millions of users from all over the world and this article explains how you can take advantage of that.Entrepreneurialism
direct marketing
What's Your USP? A Crucial Marketing Tip For Small Business Owners
If you want to set your company apart from the competition and be remembered by consumers, start with a well-crafted Unique Selling Proposition (USP). A genuine and authentic USP will position your company for success.unique visitors
The Checking In Email
Networking is a dynamic tool for making the right connections and doing profitable business. Individuals, organizations and companies can revolutionize their business and social practices by effective networking. Developing and strengthening relationships are key when making connections. It is important to identify and be aware of resources and people who can assist in networking objectives. One of the ways to implement this is following up on a consistent basis. social media Entrepreneurialism
Stupid Chiropractic Marketing: "If I Can't Have It All, I Want Nothing!"
Can you imagine how much money a company would lose if they chose not to open a store in the same mall their competitor was located? How about your chiropractic advertising? Would you consider not running an ad in the newspaper if a competing practice was running ads in the same paper?twitter
social media
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Tips for Social Media - Marketing, Businesses And Optimization
You might be tired of hearing "It's time to go global" but I'd like to say it's time to change your business mentality to en-cash the secret of business success in fact it's the time to get updated to go global. I'm sure you have had experience of some drastic change in the marketing trend recently or lately and you know this is all because of client retention to get some more referring clients from them. traffic
unique visitors
Is Your Website in Tune With the Latest SEO Techniques?
We've always humdrum-ed about the importance of quality content and their role in boosting SEO rankings. But with the latest Panda update by Google, content becomes ever so important.traffic
unique visitors
TagVillage: A New Way to Make Money Online
Twitter Marketing Is Simplistic and Effective
Twitter marketing is based upon first connecting with others to build up a following which allows you to easily initiate viral campaigns! What makes this social site such an effective marketing tool is its simplistic design combined with its huge user base. Read on to see 3 examples of the simplistic genius behind the design of this social site that makes it such a powerful marketing tool!social media Entrepreneurialism
People Will Do Business With People They Trust!
"All things being equal, people will do business with- and refer business to- those people they know, like and trust." When approaching the process of networking, it can be tackled in different ways. Those that use networking successfully, to boost their reputation, are those who see networking as a 'giving tool' instead of a 'selling tool'. It is these people that develop the sort after "know you, like you, trust you" relationship. As this relationship is
The Big Mistake Of Not Doing Keyword Research
Keyword research is the art and science of finding specific keywords that are highly targeted and highly profitable specific to a particular industry or niche. Smart marketers perform keyword research while the 'not so smart' marketers don't. So what typically happens to marketers who ignore advice and decide not to conduct any keyword research for their business?unique visitors
David Garfinkel - Master Copywriter?
David Garfinkel has authored the praised Killer Copy Tactics, which reveals ideas and techniques on how to compose efficient sales content. As a persuasive copywriter, Garfinkel has utilized his abilities to develop half a dozen profitable Internet media Entrepreneurialism
Can You Really Do It Better?
Those contemplating a leadership role should understand that in managing a group of adults you will encounter the whiners, critics, supporters, spectators, those that engage and those that may undermine your efforts. Once you understand roles that people play, it becomes easier to manage and work with them because you begin to understand their priorities. Aren't these the same "characters" you encounter in life, in a business deal or on vacation? As a leader you learn to compromise, adjust your agenda and drive toward a specific target in mind. Incredible judgment can be developed as a leader and worth taking on the role at least once in your life. You may not be as effective as you thought but you will have learned a tremendous amount about yourself, other people and group
social media Entrepreneurialism
Manage Your Referrals' Expectations
Are you referrals sources telling potential clients too much about you and your business? Learn how to manage your referrals' expectations to prevent negative word-of-mouth and to avoid unpleasant situations between you and your referral partners.internet marketing
affiliate marketing
Power And Politics In Organisations
PURL - An Innovative Marketing Product
PURLS are commonly done through direct mail and have been proven to be a very effective way to market. Personalized URL (PURL) marketing involves sending a potential customer a personalized message and web address using the recipient's name.traffic
unique visitors
How to Use On Page Optimization to Get Your Home Business Website Ranked
First of all, if you're new to Internet marketing and owning a home business online you're most likely not familiar with the term on page optimization. Simply put, this is the process of making your web pages attractive to the major search engines so your website will rank highly in searches related to your topic or your keywords.facebook
Questions And Answers Regarding Facebook Fan pages
Are you planning to create a new a Facebook fan page? Are you confused and puzzled on figuring out Facebook fan pages? Are you in the middle of bewildering if the fan page will really work as your business marketing place?unique visitors
Use Your Business Card As a Marketing Mechanism
New and small businesses have a propensity to use any marketing strategy to put their business on the map. They resort to many types of promotions and publicity, most of which could be very costly; distributing flyers, brochures, money mailers, hand-outs and more.traffic
unique visitors
How to Land a Sponsor: Deliver Great Benefits
How to Use The Social Media Site Facebook for Your Business
All around the world, social media sites have swept in an taken the internet by storm. And seeming almost over-night, everybody now has a Facebook Page. This has offered an amazing opportunity for people and all types of
social media Entrepreneurialism
5 Tips for People Who Hate Networking
What Should Public Relations Agencies Know About Search Engine Optimization?
As public relations experts, we work hard to secure mentions for our clients in the news and other media. I don't have to argue that people are acquiring more of their news from online sources. Are PR agents prepared to help their clients be discovered in the search engines? Many PR pros are already doing one of the toughest parts of search engine optimization, they just don't know it. Let me explain..networking
direct marketing
TagVillage: A New Way to Make Money Online
A lot of people are asking what is TagVillage and how can they earn money from it. This website is becoming more and more popular in the online marketing
internet marketing
Advertising Tips - How Copywriting Plays A Role In Your Success
When it comes to marketing, it can sometimes be tough to gain a new customer. No matter what you do, the techniques that you apply don't seem to sell your prospect on the idea of buying from you. In situations like these, it's time to pull out the
internet marketing
affiliate marketing
Skilled Questioning, Not Pressuring, Generates More Sales
Facebook Marketing - A "How to Social Network Marketing" Guide
Questions And Answers Regarding Facebook Fan pages
Are you planning to create a new a Facebook fan page? Are you confused and puzzled on figuring out Facebook fan pages? Are you in the middle of bewildering if the fan page will really work as your business marketing place?direct marketing
internet marketing
Starting a Mail Order Business
Starting a mail order business is challenging and fun, especially if you've got a product niche that is novel or has a real following. The best types of mail order businesses these days are ones that...traffic
unique visitors
Saturday, October 29, 2011
How to Create Programs
Here's a strategy to help you increase your business, get more clients, scale your business, make a lot more money working less is about your program's products and services, your offerings. I talked to a lot of my private clients, and those of my students, and they're always asking how do I get more people into my programs, or how do I get more clients into this particular service that I do, or how do I sell more of those products? For many years, I would answer, "Well, what are you doing to market," and all of that is...networking
direct marketing
Direct Mail Tips - How To Have Success
If you want to select the best possible mailing list, you will want to do your homework. If you've done any direct mail testing in the past and have seen your advertising dollars go to waste, then more than likely your problem was in 1 or more of these 3 areas: 1) Your mailing list 2) Your offer 3) Your sales letter. The offer and the mailing list is easy to come up with. But your sales letter is probably something that you will want to get some assistance
Keyword Research - 3 Keys To Finding A Successful Keyword
Keyword research is the process of finding the right keywords that people search for in the search engines so the content that is created with those keywords can achieve higher search engine rankings. Now that you know what keyword research is, it's probably a good idea that you know exactly what a good keyword is. The fact is not all keywords are created equal and you want to be able to identify the successful keywords from the rest.networking
direct marketing
Finding the Business Minded: Prospecting on LinkedIn
Success in network marketing only comes from recruiting quality business partners and selling products, so why aren't more people prospecting on LinkedIn? The mistake that most marketers make is only speaking with people who we think need the marketing
internet marketing
Trade Show Exhibits Need Trained Personnel To Carry The Message
Trade show exhibits can be the best and most expensive, but without the right personnel, they will not engage the attention of customers. So, find out how to train staff that can showcase your trade show exhibit rentals.twitter
social media
Building Upon A Web Based Store
There are a variety of things to do to make more income after getting a well-established eBay seller profile. Saving money to reinvest in the company is a must and should be carried out first prior to making a major move. There are many directions to go at this point, and these ideas will help any store figure out its
How Garmin Product Managers Keep From Getting Lost
How do you find your way around these days? If you are like most of us, you probable own one of those pocket sized GPS receivers that show you a map of where you are and how to get to where you want to go to. Lots of companies make these, but Garmin was one of the first and still holds a big chunk of this market. How are their product managers doing this?tools
social media Entrepreneurialism
When Starting a Business, Think Wholesale!
In order for a start-up to be successful, it must accomplish two things: (1) it must attract people who are interested in buying their goods and services and (2) it must be able to grow with limited capital. Understanding the difference between wholesale value and retail value when starting a business will determine your revenue potential.twitter
social media
A Mixture Of Online And Offline Marketing To Do In Your Business
To truly maximize your business profits, you will want to incorporate offline marketing with online marketing. Sure some people are having success with making thousands of dollars per month with using only one marketing medium - but this isn't the norm. For the norm, you will have to incorporate both facets of marketing to truly explode your profits.traffic
unique visitors
The Good And The Bad Of Website Content Writing
This article explains that website content writing is an important factor for internet marketing. It also provides some of the good and bad practices of website content writing. It's important to know the limitations and liberties in website content writing.traffic
unique visitors
Steps To Maximize Your Company On LinkedIn
LinkedIn is not only a great solution for personal networking, but it also provides ample opportunities for your business. LinkedIn can provide your business with the tools to become a recognized thought-leader, achieve brand awareness, drive new leads and organically increase SEO for your website. We have outlined the following key steps to help take advantage of these free marketing
internet marketing
Having Fun Networking
Networking can be quite tricky. You need to have the time and knowledge of the Internet. My articles here on Ezine have the URL posted on Facebook and Twitter as well as my blog. They now expand those posts. In doing this you have increased your audience. 'Networking' gets your name and the things that you do out on the Internet and makes it available on a
social media Entrepreneurialism
Facebook: The Case For Change
Recent changes to Facebook created a storm of comments along the lines of "why doesn't Facebook leave well enough alone?" But to be honest, over the years, if Facebook had left well enough alone it would likely not be the leader in social media that it is marketing
internet marketing
Tips And Tricks To Improve The Look Of Your Website
Have you ever wondered how some businesses got to be so successful on the internet? Their success did not come by luck, but it came by knowing how to market effectively on the internet. You can also gain that knowledge.Entrepreneurialism
direct marketing
2 Ways To Start Making Money In Your Business
If there's anything that I know about marketing, it's that nothing happens until you get a lead. Leads are the fundamental element of any marketing campaign so it cannot be ignored. If you want to virtually guarantee your success, it will be in your best interest to start generating leads and then following up on them with your marketing pieces.affiliate marketing
unique visitors
Buckle Up Networking Formula
How to Go About Social Network Marketing
Social network marketing shows the difference between traditional marketing and the social marketing. The advantages that you can achieve by doing this kind of new internet marketing and the way you have to be careful with the negative points that you should cover.networking
direct marketing
The Age of Marketing
In this age not many businesses can survive without marketing, some businesses are even purely dependent on it, and in a way that's what it all has become, to maintain a brand image that is so solid and so good that it becomes a part of the consumer. People are so encouraged when they see a really cool advertisement that without looking for any alternatives they just rush over and try that product or service, and the whole experience is provided to them in such a way that they do not give much thought to the core usage of the product or service; while this may not be true for all businesses I'm sure you might have come across one of two examples in your life. affiliate marketing
unique visitors
How To Maximize Sales Using A Facebook Fan Page
Online advertising has proven already that it helps a lot of small businesses to grow and expand their market. Using these fan pages could reach millions of Facebook users with minimum amount of investment.internet marketing
affiliate marketing
Finding the Business Minded: Prospecting on LinkedIn
Copyright Your Website
Copyright your website! Let others know that the content on your site is truly your own. Search engines take this into consideration for their rating levels, and it also adds rapport for your customers. It lets you establish that you are trustworthy, and that your content is unique and fresh.CPA
Can You Really Do It Better?
Those contemplating a leadership role should understand that in managing a group of adults you will encounter the whiners, critics, supporters, spectators, those that engage and those that may undermine your efforts. Once you understand roles that people play, it becomes easier to manage and work with them because you begin to understand their priorities. Aren't these the same "characters" you encounter in life, in a business deal or on vacation? As a leader you learn to compromise, adjust your agenda and drive toward a specific target in mind. Incredible judgment can be developed as a leader and worth taking on the role at least once in your life. You may not be as effective as you thought but you will have learned a tremendous amount about yourself, other people and group media Entrepreneurialism
Building Upon A Web Based Store
There are a variety of things to do to make more income after getting a well-established eBay seller profile. Saving money to reinvest in the company is a must and should be carried out first prior to making a major move. There are many directions to go at this point, and these ideas will help any store figure out its marketing
internet marketing
Friday, October 28, 2011
Dentist Marketing Using Yellow Big Bird
Networking Zoo: Getting to Know That "Caged Inner Beast" of Others
Watch and learn how to recognize that "caged inner beast" behavior of people who attend networking events. Most importantly, you will learn how to counter-act that behavior by not feeding the animals.networking
direct marketing
12 SEO Tips
Make Your Business Card Online and Go Green
Creating, maintaining, and sharing your business card online has quickly become the standard in distributing contact information. More than just that, however, virtual business cards, or vCards provide a creative way to show your clients and potential clients. Creating a business card online helps you help the environment. They create a captivating online welcome mat for your contacts to marvel marketing
internet marketing
Easy Dentist Marketing By Chopping Carrots
If you own and operate a dental practice and would like an easy way to add more new patients by chopping carrots, then read this short article. While this may sound silly, there is a very good lesson here. One that you will enjoy. See for
internet marketing
affiliate marketing
Relationships: They Are What Business And Life Are All About
A few years ago I had the privilege of speaking for a group of business leaders in Lagos, Nigeria. I remember going there was quite an experience. This is a third-world country where poverty is rampant and evident. I remember giving a presentation about the importance of building trust.facebook
Occupy Wall Street: How Are Small Business Owners Reacting?
The "Occupy Wall Street" movement has gained tremendous press recently, as more and more protesters take to the streets across the nation and demand economic change. Depending on who you ask, the protests are being received in widely different ways: while many Americans feel that they serve as a good first step in what should ultimately result in changed fiscal policies and heavier government regulation over the economy, others feel that the protesters are wasting their time and that their demands are too unclear. Small business owners also have mixed views on the protests and whether
9 Strategies For Ranking Higher In Search Engines
3 Sales Boosting Niche Marketing Tips For Any Product or Service
The key to success in this new economy is to distinguish yourself from the competition. If you can't communicate how you're different from the rest, game over. Discover 3 effective sales boosting tips that will help distinguish your business, product or service from the competition.Entrepreneurialism
direct marketing
What Can You Learn From A Short Marketing Course?
There are many definitions of marketing. Generally the concept is described as function that is used to communicate and create value to be delivered to customers. The same process or parts that can comprise the process can also be used in developing and managing relations with customers in business marketing
internet marketing
Internet Network Marketing - Is It All Possible?
Before making the decision to shift your direct sales business online, there are 3 essential tips to follow. Using the internet and social media for network marketing business building can greatly expand your business as opposed to only using local offline
social media Entrepreneurialism
Own Your Relationships and Fire Up Your Passion for Business
Quite obviously it's not what you know but who you know that dictates our level of impact and success. Successful people realize that the lone ranger approach doesn't create half the results. Here's how to cultivate more prosperous marketing
internet marketing
The Marketing Tip Nobody Tells A Dentist
If you own and operate a dental practice, and are looking for a dose of harsh reality about direct response marketing, then give a read to this article because it gives a lesson in why it's good when your response is not that good. See for yourself: I got an email the other day. From a client I really marketing
internet marketing
Financing for a Small Business
Search Engine Marketing (SEM) in Layman's Terms
Want to know about search engine marketing (SEM) but don't want all the big fancy words? Let's say you sell gourmet fish food and want to increase you online presence...internet marketing
affiliate marketing
Networking for Senior Citizens
The common saying, "Age is just a number", holds true in this instance. Networking is ideal for all ages including the retired, senior citizens. Those in this age bracket can take advantage of untapped opportunities, meet new people and enlarge their networks. They can use their experience and wisdom to brand themselves within various circles. Seniors can also build their presence in the community as well as in the business community. Although these individuals are no longer clocking into a 9 to 5 job, they can still carry business cards and have a full day of meetings.networking
direct marketing
Advice To Help You Run A Successful SEO Campaign
Maybe you've heard the term search engine optimization before, but never looked into it. Maybe you have no idea what it means, and are trying to find out. Search engine optimization is the process of making your site appeal to search engines, and this article will show you how can make it work for you. Here are some tips to get you marketing
internet marketing
5 Free Twitter Tools You Need To Use For Your Business
HTTP 403 - Most Seen Error in SEO
The 403 or access forbidden error message is a HTTP response code displayed whenever the user wants to communicate with the server and the server has blocked the specific IP (in most of the cases in SEO field) or users and denied to process on the requests from the specific IP. In the HTTP 403 protocol used on the W3 or World Wide Web, 403 forbidden is an HTTP status code returned by a web server that the user requests and the server does not allows them. In the simple words the request has been reached at the server, but the server has declined to allow access to the page. CPA
Feature Your Ads and Start Your Business Today!
Is your business at its cradle stage? Wondering how will it grow in a very short time? Are you thinking of advertising your business but don't know how to proceed? Then this article is going to show the way ahead to prosper your business today. Advertising your classified is not at all a tough job these days. Rather there are sites which advertise your classifieds absolutely free!affiliate marketing
unique visitors
Small Business Web Design and Marketing
For today's local business owner, getting onto the internet can be a difficult process. Small Business Web Design is just the start of an online marketing strategy that includes Social Media, SEO and paid advertising.networking
direct marketing
How Much Money Do I Need To Start A Business, Really?
Starting a business is increasingly becoming an incredibly attractive proposition if not the only choice for many Americans today. There are endless types of businesses you can start but if there is one thing we should have learnt from the recent economic crash it is that it pays to be well capitalized.affiliate marketing
unique visitors
5 Business Networking Tips Anyone Can Follow
Learning how to network well is essential to job search and career success. Use these 5 business networking tips at any event and see results.traffic
unique visitors
Basic Marketing Philosophies Each Company Should Understand
There is no question that marketing is essential to a business's progress and longevity. An abundance of marketing philosophies have been established and used, the most popular of which is the market orientation philosophy. The basic tenet of this philosophy is that a business needs to make products and services which are in line with the wants and needs of the consuming public.networking
direct marketing
Thursday, October 27, 2011
The Rise of the Infomercial
With the introduction of the television, there have been a myriad number of new methods that companies can use to market their products to the consumer. While there have always been more conventional marketing methods such as billboards and direct mail that are still popular options with various companies, one method that has been overlooked and is perhaps taboo to some people is the infomercial.traffic
unique visitors
Low Cost Networking The Old Fashioned Way (In Person)
One morning, fifteen years ago, I sat in my car feeling anxious about walking into a chamber of commerce breakfast for the first time. My only goal that day was to survive and at least talk to someone at my table.traffic
unique visitors
Make That First Networking Meeting Count
Getting the most out of an initial networking meeting requires research beforehand and follow up afterwards.Before the meeting get connected on LinkedIn. Encourage your colleague to check out your LinkedIn connections. Do the same with his/hers. Come to the meet with questions about the person's business and about whom he/she wants to meet. After the meeting, be sure to follow up on any promised marketing
internet marketing
Get Out There!
Are you hiding behind your computer and thinking you can grow your business that way? Is that part of your comfort zone because you don't really know where to go and what to do when you get there - when it comes to marketing your products and services?traffic
unique visitors
Postcard Printing: What To Know Before You Go
Postcards are the most popular form of marketing when it comes to offline efforts. However many people are confused about where to start. Should you first look into a printer, should you know what paper to choose? How about the font that is most appealing? There are so many questions out there that one could get extremely overwhelmed!google
Benefits of a Virtual Business Card
Business advantages for creating and utilizing an online business card over. traditional paper business card. Business cards are not dead, they simply reincarnated into a new form-the virtual business card. The changes are merely physical. Instead of a paper card, people are now exchanged digitized cards. With online business card, you only pay once for use of software. Since everything can be done online, creation and production can be done without leaving your office.traffic
unique visitors
Online Charity Marketing - Why It's So Important
One of the strange things about the internet is the fact that charities are rather poorly represented. When have you ever come across a charity site by accident when looking for something else? It seems that online charity marketing has been slow in taking off. There must be a number of reasons for this, but what is clear is that it is something which is bound to change sooner or later. All charitable organisations need to look to maximise their revenue and ignoring the vast possibilities of the internet just doesn't make sense. It is clear that one of these days they are going to start taking this area more seriously, so getting in at the start seems a smart move for getting an
social media Entrepreneurialism
What Are Social Networking Websites?
A social networking sites is a web service, platform, or site, that is focused on building and reflecting on social networks or social relations among folks, e.g, who share interests and / or activities together. A social network web site is basically composed of an image of each user ( regularly a profile ), his / her social links, and a selection of extra services. Most social network web sites are web-based and supply means for users to interact over the web, for example email and instant messaging.unique visitors
The Most Convincing Ways of Displays in Promotion
Draw Customers To A Trade Show Display In Under Ten Seconds
Are you wondering why your trade show display doesn't really get noticed? Take it up a notch with these keys to success for trade show stands.networking
direct marketing
The Keys To A Successful Trade Show Exhibit
Understanding the keys to a successful trade show exhibit is very important for businesses. For one, it can increase the chances of a higher return on investment.internet marketing
affiliate marketing
Power And Politics In Organisations
Why You Should Care About Online Reviews
Online reviews are becoming increasingly important, for both consumers and businesses. For consumers they're important because they can help make a more educated buying decision and they're important for businesses because they help in getting customers.internet marketing
affiliate marketing
Steps To Maximize Your Company On LinkedIn
LinkedIn is not only a great solution for personal networking, but it also provides ample opportunities for your business. LinkedIn can provide your business with the tools to become a recognized thought-leader, achieve brand awareness, drive new leads and organically increase SEO for your website. We have outlined the following key steps to help take advantage of these free tools.traffic
unique visitors
Testing Your Facebook Pages for The Best Results
If you own an online business, I am sure that you have heard about the perks of setting up a Facebook account. There is a lot that you can do with social media sites to increase the exposure of your business to potential marketing
internet marketing
Business Networking - Is Rude Networking a New Trend in the Recession?
It has been said many times that a great way to grow your business is through networking. But it seems to me that "rude networking" is on the increase! By the way this is not the same thing as sexy networking and has nothing to do with clothing or the lack of it.Entrepreneurialism
direct marketing
The Giant Myth About Social Media And Dentist Marketing
If you own and operate a dental practice, then naturally you want more new patients. And you've probably also heard about Social Media. Well, it just so happens you may want to be weary of Social Media. Let me explain:Entrepreneurialism
direct marketing
Social Media Marketing And Its Importance For Companies In The Modern Age
Social networking websites are some of most popular websites in the world with a massive amount of users spread all over the globe. This article explains about the importance of social media marketing for companies and how such websites help in the evolution of a company in the modern
social media Entrepreneurialism
Starting a Business - Do What You Love
One of the mistakes that I see people make when they decide to start their own business is that they just do what they have always done. What I mean by that is that they take what they have done working for someone else and go into business for themselves. Now, when I say this is a mistake what I really mean is that doing this without proper thought is a mistake.seo
The Right Steps To Choosing The Right Political Advertising Agency
Paid Search Marketing Concept
Website business owners can benefit from a paid search marketing strategy. This particular advertising allows businesses to set pay-per-click banners on search results pages. Each time a individual clicks on on the list of these banners, it only charges the business a small amount of money for the exposure. This is extremely cost effective for both small and large companies alike.internet marketing
affiliate marketing
The Easiest Way to Make a Social Networking Site
After the huge success of social networks like Facebook and Twitter, many individuals are trying to find info to help them create their own site. I regularly visit Yahoo Answers and I notice lots of people asking for information on the simplest way to set up their own. Some people would like to come up with the next big thing and make a lot of cash, while others simply want to know how to develop a smaller niche social
How to Make Money From MyLot
MyLot is a well-established website that pays active members for participating in discussions and for uploading images to the site. Payments are sent every 15th of the month provided that the member was able to reach the $10 threshold.internet marketing
affiliate marketing
Industrial Cooling Fans Are Necessary For Commercial Sites
If you own a business you may already have purchased industrial cooling fans. They are used everywhere from offices right through to warehouses. As an employer you have a duty to keep your workers safe and this includes maintaining the quality of the air they are breathing as well as the temperatures they are working in.seo
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
How To Start Your Own Small Business
Every morning when you read the paper and read about successful business owners, you too dream of starting a small one of your own. If you desire to succeed as a business owner that earns you name and fame, you have to nourish your small one with more care and feed it with innovative ideas to shine in the dense cloud of business world. This blog comes with some proven and updated ideas to inspire the toddlers in the business world and help them to solve the business puzzle with more
Google's $250 Billion Local Marketing Investment
Google's creation of almost 50 million local Google Places pages was an investment in local business that rivals the roll-out of a cable TV network market by market. At a value of $5,000 per places page in terms of search visibility, Google invested approximately $250 billion in cornering this mark. However, the Google business model now has to focus on the verification of each an every places page in order to make the model return the investment through advertising revenue. Although this is a monumental task, one enterprising entrepreneur in New Jersey in creating profits for himself by helping local businesses understand how Google Places helps their business.CPA
What To Consider Before Renting A Trade Show Booth
Are you thinking about renting a trade show booth and are unsure of what to look for? Check out these tips to get the best trade show installation for your budget.networking
direct marketing
Simple Tips for Small Business Accounting
Small business accounting is perhaps one of the most difficult challenges that business owners perceive. This is because accounting for a small business is not their forte. For most small business owners, they go into a start up because they are good at providing a particular service. Be this a catering business, contracting business or being a wedding planner.internet marketing
affiliate marketing
High-End Giveaways on a Budget - Silver Plastic Promotional Pen
A silver plastic promotional pen will add style and elegance to your promotional campaign while at the same time giving you the ability to promote with a high end giveaway gift item on a budget. A silver plastic promotional pen is an executive pen that you can use to promote with because of its quality, design and because it is a long lasting promotional
internet marketing
affiliate marketing
Business Coaching for Growth
Small business growth does not just happen. It requires planning. Usually, if you take a closer look at those lucky individuals who developed a product at a time when there was a huge demand for it, you will find that they recognized the need for the product beforehand. They did some research. They talked to people and they planned. Sometimes they even created a new market where none existed before.Entrepreneurialism
direct marketing
Questions to Ask to Avoid a Magazine Ad That Sucks
Discover how you can avoid launching a magazine ad that sucks. Key marketing strategies for small business owners to help them get the most from their magazine advertising efforts.networking
direct marketing
Etiquette You Should Practice When Uploading Photos to Photo Sharing Networks
When it comes to uploading photos on the Internet, few people choose to think about what they are doing. To them, an image is an image, and it is fine to post it just about anywhere. However, just as etiquette exists for other social situations, so does it exist for sharing photos.Entrepreneurialism
direct marketing
Reaching New Customers Through the Power of Direct Mail
Direct Mail continues to be one of the most cost effective ways to reach your best customer. There are several different options available when planning a direct mail campaign. In today's complex world, it is extremely important to keep your name and brand in front of your best customer, as often as possible. When combined with social media, mobile marketing and the right creative, your direct mail campaign will deliver a one two punch.internet marketing
affiliate marketing
Are Your Products Marked Made in the USA?
Government agencies have been encouraged to buy American. Buying American translates into increasing employment and rebuilding the slumped economy. Many Federal contracts have been set aside for small businesses. We know that the economy will grow only if we can boost our sales. More sales mean more buying power that...twitter
social media
How Does The Recession Affect Working At Home?
Why does everyone assume that because most of the developed world is in recession, the little man no longer has a legitimate way of making money online? These people couldn't get any further fro the truth.twitter
social media
3 SEO Factors To Watch In 2011
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) trends change constantly. Each year online marketers attempt to analyze the transitions and predict the hot items to watch in the upcoming year. Here are just three things you should watch when it comes to your SEO efforts in the year
social media Entrepreneurialism
Are You Stuck in the Friendly Networking Trap?
Many of the business owners I have met with in the past two years have told me that traditional networking does not work for them, and as a result they are seeking alternatives in an effort to generate more leads, referrals and new business. Some networking groups tend to be little more than social clubs where friends hang-out for breakfast, lunch or after-hour drinks, rather than venues to build business relationships, share referrals, and establish new partnerships and alliances to enable solo entrepreneurs and small business owners to successfully grow their respective businesses.networking
direct marketing
Online Communities Count
As the world moves forward through the technology age, the online audience is becoming a greater asset to all businesses. The thing is that this situation can make it a little hard to work one on one with your clients. Meeting people and interacting with others online can sometimes seem a little impersonal, unlike in a store where people that come in can talk to you directly. We can see expressions and get a feel for an individual when they are standing before us. But this doesn't mean that we don't treat them differently. It is important to remember that the online community is still composed of individual
internet marketing
affiliate marketing
Is Your 'Elevator Pitch' Costing You Business? 5 Keys to a Business-Generating Value Statement
Standing out in the crowd with limited marketing resources is a big challenge for service-oriented business owners in highly competitive markets. If getting and keeping loyal customers are the goals of your business, then the first point of contact should be delivered in a way that begins to establish value, credibility, trust, and authenticity. Your answer to the question "What do you do?" is generally the first step. View your answer, and the business it leads to, as a critical-path component of your business strategy.affiliate marketing
unique visitors
Business Success
David is in a very highly regulated business. Over the past 20 years he has seen regulation and price competition completely change the way of doing business. He supplies food to government buildings and schools for kids. David has a vending company. The thing is that while the majority of vending companies in the area have seen a loss of profits over the last two years, David's company has grown in sales and profit by media Entrepreneurialism
Boost Your Web Presence With The Power of Facebook
Currently Facebook has over 750 million active users. This means the Facebook community is over 2.4 times the population of the United States and it's growing rapidly every day. The marketing potential of this site is just incredible. If you are doing any kind of online marketing for your business and are not using Facebook then you are missing out on thousands of potential
Effective Strategies For Improving Website Visibility and Traffic
Have you ever wondered how to quickly improve your website's visibility? With top search engine rankings, it's easy to expand your brand and drive qualified web traffic to your site or landing page. Top ranked websites have a lot in common. Learn the most effective strategies for achieving top rankings and growing your business with helpful strategies that enhance visibility and
Making The Transition From Business Owner To Master Marketer
If you want to switch from being a slave to your business to running your own successful company hands off, then you need to know how to automate your business. Sometimes this requires hiring new staff, employing the use of software tools, or working more than you normally do. I'm not a big fan of the latter, but sometimes you just have to do what you have to marketing
internet marketing
Small Business Grants for Women: An Idea
Launching a small business can be quite complex, especially when you do not have the resources for start up capital. There are some government and leading companies initiatives under which small business grants for women are provided to the needy to make their venture easy to
internet marketing
affiliate marketing
Facebook and Online Marketing
Do you want to speak with 400 Million people? Then better pitch your product now with Facebook's members. If you're fresh with all the social media selling then this is your lucky day. These sites create more traffic than the biggest search engines that we have. That means a bigger audience for your product, more possible buyers and more
Are the Best Networkers Extroverts?
As I slumped in my chair, exhausted after another evening of 'working the room', I was pondering whether I am an extrovert or an introvert - and whether this had any relationship to my ability to be a good networker. The thing is (and this annoys me) there is an industry pandering to the perception that introverts are shy, unconnected and get overwhelmed by meeting lots of people - and so need help to network. The industry also has the solution - lots of books, articles and products to help introverts feel happier about networking and 'working the room'....traffic
unique visitors
Using The Internet And Direct Mail To Market Your Business
If you want to experience a surge of prospects and customers coming into your place of business, you have stop doing the ineffective things that you are used to, and start doing the effective things that will make you profitable. Some business owners take a passive approach to marketing..Entrepreneurialism
direct marketing
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Search Engine Optimization Consultants: Key to Online Success
Good positioning is the ultimate business strategy one has to possess in order to survive in the dog-eat-dog environment of online marketing. With basically hundreds or even thousands of online sellers and companies using the Internet to draw customers worldwide, it is a matter on how well you cope up with the system and use every possible edge to your benefit that will determine the success or failure of your business. One way to successfully make a mark on the online market place is to rank very high, if possible, on the first page of the search engine's results....networking
direct marketing
Are Your Products Marked Made in the USA?
Government agencies have been encouraged to buy American. Buying American translates into increasing employment and rebuilding the slumped economy. Many Federal contracts have been set aside for small businesses. We know that the economy will grow only if we can boost our sales. More sales mean more buying power that...affiliate marketing
unique visitors
How to Land a Sponsor: Wrap-Ups
Offering a wrap-up following your event shows the sponsor that their money and time was put to good use. You need to show how your event benefited them, so that they will be willing to work with you again in the future. One of the reasons why you want to have a wrap-up report is because it makes you look completely professional.twitter
social media
How to Reach Out to People Globally Using Social Networking Sites
In what ways is social networking such as email, live health chat, medical blogs, and health forums affecting the way that people connect? Social networking sites have become a part of everyday life, and are always affecting our ways of thinking and
social media Entrepreneurialism
Auctions for Storage Units - Are They Worth the Trouble?
There is perhaps no other reason why anyone would want to have anything to do with other people's personal possessions sold in auctions for storage units other than to obviously make money out of it. It might sound a bit opportunistic to be looking to profit out of the misfortune of others who are struggling with money matters, such practice of auctioning the contents of storage units whose lessors are several months behind on their payments is supported by each state's lien law. Participants in auctions for storage units need not worry as the same lien law also...internet marketing
affiliate marketing
Business Networking - Is Rude Networking a New Trend in the Recession?
SERP: How to Build Links and Rank Higher in Search Engine Result Pages
Populate Your Blog With Good Content FREE
The world wide web eats content like I eat chips. Here one minute, gone the next. So, the content that you maintain on your blog won't deliver impact for long. Search engine bots will view any content over 31 days old as yesterday's news and your site ranking doesn't get any better. And if a repeat visitor stops by and sees that same content you had up three weeks ago, well, after a while, those repeat visitors stop visiting.affiliate marketing
unique visitors
How to Create a Facebook Page to Promote Your Business
Here's the big question everyone is asking: Should you create a Facebook Profile, Facebook Page or a Facebook Group? The short answer is that a business should have a Facebook Page. Facebook Groups are for people with similar interests and follower of a cause or particular event and Facebook Profiles are for your personal profile
internet marketing
affiliate marketing
What to Do at Business Networking Events
When was the last time you attended a networking event? You may not like going to these gatherings, but it's hard to deny that they hold multiple opportunities, especially for small businesses. If you're a newly established company in need of entrepreneurial advice or references, these events are a must.networking
direct marketing
How To Write A Business Plan!
Now that you've decided you want to start a business you'll have to write a comprehensive business plan. All businesses should have one and they are vital if you want the business to run smoothly. In fact, it will be practically impossible for you to get funding, should you need it, without one.facebook
How to DELIGHT Your Customers in 7 Days
Delivering excellent customer service is the most important aspect of any business. Ignore this key element and your business will fail. Why? Because we all know what happens when a customer is dissatisfied, upset or angry. There are complaints to deal with, less customers to serve and you will negative press, to name a few.CPA
3 Great Ways iPads Help Improve PT Clinics
The introduction of the iPad in April 2010 has helped revolutionize the way healthcare professionals perform their daily tasks. Allowing for mobility, easier access to online physical therapy software programs, and more interactive patient education, this relatively new tablet has helped improve PT clinics everywhere. Although it may not be the solution to everything, it is much less intimidating for patients than a stack of paper or a desktop computer. Here are three great benefits that physical therapy clinics can gain from using PT software programs on an media Entrepreneurialism
Angel Investors and Rounds of Capital
Direct Mailing: How Salons Are Losing Money By Not Using It
Salons are probably the most interesting industries. They have one of the highest turn over rates in terms of job longevity and both business growth. As many television shows have made the beauty business a laughable industry that is constantly seeking room for improvement, many salons are missing out on a very intricate piece of marketing that can save them both time and money in the long run.PPC
Cloud Computing for the Small Business Owner
Have you heard about Cloud Computing? Not quite the buzz term as "Social Media", but it's popular. What is it and why should you care? This article will share some of the reasons that cloud computing benefits the small business owner. You'll learn a few of the ways you can use the cloud, what it is, and what you would gain by using this method of leveraging technology in your business.seo
LinkedIn Provides Insider Information
This article is about a really helpful LinkedIn feature that many people haven't stumbled upon. Like so many new features on LinkedIn, it all of a sudden appeared with little or no announcement or fanfare. This feature is the Following Company feature.networking
direct marketing
Every Door Direct Mail - What You Must Know
5 Top Tips on How Not to Network
Are you someone who successfully utilises face to face networking to build your business? Then this article definitely isn't for you. Why? Because you already understand and demonstrate the etiquette required to make networking work for you and your connections. When you "get" networking and learn how to make use of it effectively as one of your primary marketing tools, then you will achieve success for you and your
social media Entrepreneurialism
Entrepreneurs' Moral Obligation to Customers
Every entrepreneur is subject to the laws of the land. He is compelled to obey them lest he is punished financially or physically. But above them all is the moral duty of the entrepreneur to live up to the trust reposed in him by his customers, even in cases not enforceable by law or not frowned upon by the society. And he himself is the judge of his behaviour.PPC
MarketAmerica Unfranchise
If you are considering starting a MarketAmerica Unfranchise business, you will need to understand Market America Unfranchise provides you with a lot of advice about how to market your business and sign people up to your team, but the one thing that is usually overlooked is search engine optimization (SEO). SEO writing has to do with writing articles, web content, and ad copy to help optimize a website in the search engines. Most MarketAmerica Unfranchise leaders advocate inviting groups of people to your home to present Market America's
internet marketing
affiliate marketing
Facebook Tips and Tricks
Facebook can be a wonderful resource for building your business. Here are ten great Facebook tips and tricks to get you going on the right path.twitter
social media
Getting Top Search Engine Rankings Without Fail
Have you ever wondered how some websites get to the top in the Search Engines like Google and Yahoo every time without fail, and some just stay put at page 12 or even further below, though their product is far superior than the ones shown in the first page? Well, the truth is, probably the group which has their names in the first pages has an absolutely smashing SEO services group which is dedicated in making sure that the website stays on top when it comes to the search engines, and there are methods to do so easily.seo
Monday, October 24, 2011
Facebook Marketing - A "How to Social Network Marketing" Guide
"How to social network marketing" is probably one of the newer and hotter topics in internet marketing recently. Social network marketing is indeed quite a new animal, different from the more traditional forms of internet marketing such as PPC, SEO, blogging, e-zines, and so
Should You Outsource Your SEM Services?
Marketing your website online can take a lot of work. If you don't know what you are doing, it could all be wasted time, money and effort. Because of this, many small businesses online prefer to outsource their SEM services so that it can be done right. Below are 5 good reasons why a business should consider outsourcing their work to a search engine marketing firm.PPC
Why You Need To Generate A Lead In Business
If you want to get more new customers, then it's important that you learn how to generate leads for your business. Nothing is more important than having a fresh flood of new leads coming in on a daily basis. This is an essential part of your marketing campaign, because without these leads, you have no one to sell to.twitter
social media
Techniques For On Page Search Engine Optimization
On page Search Engine Optimizing is a technique that is employed towards ensuring that a website ranks high on the different search engines. This type of SEO is very different from Off page SEO because it deals with ensuring that the content and the pages on your website have what it takes to rank highest. In simpler details On page SEO is primarily concerned with making sure that your website has quality and relevant content. The content has to be grammatically correct without any spelling or punctuation errors. On the other hand the pages themselves need to be structured in an appropriate manner.networking
direct marketing
Direct Mail Marketing And How To Make It Work
When it comes to marketing, one of the most potent weapons in your marketing arsenal is direct mail. This a great way to reach a large number of people for a very small cost, and when done right, it can really make you wealthy in a short period of time. If I were you, I would learn how to use direct mail to your utmost advantage today.PPC
What Can You Learn From A Short Marketing Course?
There are many definitions of marketing. Generally the concept is described as function that is used to communicate and create value to be delivered to customers. The same process or parts that can comprise the process can also be used in developing and managing relations with customers in business environments.PPC
Get Ranked By Link Building Services
It is said that success of online business depends on SEO. The SEO in turn depends on the effective Link building. So, Link building forms the very edifice of SEO. It is an accepted fact that in trade and commerce, an effective sale is possible only when the customer is provided with all the information he requires. The trade would conclude on a positive note only if the information is conveyed in an effective manner. Remember that the person who is seeing your website is in some other part of the globe.Entrepreneurialism
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